A horrified and appaled Batiatus states that this was only a demonstration but feels forced to make Spartacus comply so as not to upset Numerius' father, Titus Calavius. However, when the battle comes to an end and Numerius is jokingly asked to decide their fate, he decides that Varro should die. When the exhibition of the gladiators comes, Numerius asks for Spartacus to fight Varro instead of Crixus (having been convinced by Ilithyia) Batiatus obliges his wishes, since it is his birthday. He takes a break in the baths and is approached by Ilithyia, who seduces him. Whilst there he spars with Spartacus and enjoys time with his friends. Party is held in Batiatus' Ludus, by his own wish. As Numerius leaves, Spartacus pockets the knife from his belt and Numerius appears not to notice. Later, the two duel in the villa watched on by Batiatus and Titus Calavius. Spartacus invites Numerius to the villa with the intent of practicing with him, but his wish is to steal the Thracian knife that Numerius had bought earlier that day.

Numerius first comes in contact with Spartacus whilst Batiatus is out buying armor for the gladiator, and is fascinated by him and his triumph over Theokoles. He also shows himself to be rather arrogant and while he considers some gladiators to be great, he also looks down upon many others. However, he is found to be easily swayed as Ilithyia seduces him to commit an atrocious act. He even decides to host his 15th birthday (his entry into manhood) in Batiatus' ludus and is keen to see all there is in the lives of the gladiators, including training with Spartacus, the gladiator he idolizes and looks up to above all others. Numerius is a curious and enthusiastic 14-going-on 15-year-old with a fascination for gladiators and the fights of the arena, as he sees these as both honorable and valiant.

He has been taught very basic fighting skills by Spartacus but lacks true skill and performance. He stands quite tall for his age and wears a set of robes that befit his status. Numerius is a young boy with short black hair, blue eyes and a thin build.