Steps may vary slightly depending on your model, but here is a general guide: How do you uninstall and reinstall an app? ********* If you have any questions about the sign in process in your game, check out the Sign in and Save Your Progress! help article for your specific game. After reinstalling, simply sign back in with the same Big Fish, Facebook, or Apple account details as before, and your progress will reappear. This will ensure that progress is saved on our end. That said, be sure that BEFORE uninstalling and reinstalling, you have previously taken the time to sign in, within your game. Uninstalling a Free-to-Play game can cause progress to be lost, but don't worry! If your in-game profile has been linked to a Big Fish account, Facebook account (or Apple account on iOS devices) before uninstalling, your progress should never be affected. Will I lose my progress in the game if I uninstall and reinstall the app? While this isn't a sure fix for any specific error, it can be useful for a wide range of performance issues. Uninstalling and reinstalling is a good way to refresh all communications between the game and your device.

What is the point of uninstalling and reinstalling apps?